"Livin' Like a Lusty Flower" ~ SCROLL DOWN!!! Share Some Life With Me!

"Livin' Like a Lusty Flower" ~ SCROLL DOWN!!! Share Some Life With Me!
"Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right"





Friday, January 10, 2014

Faithful, Isolate, Scrutinize...

Faithful, Isolate and Scrutinize

Faithful...what does that mean? Do I love you from afar with a world 
of ocean and land keeping our physical orbits separate? Do I remain 
steadfast, loyal, consistent and ever understanding? How do I explain 
our situation to friends and family who scrutinize our love? People
who ask "well how do you remain together if you only see each other 
once every 8 months?" Each word they utter seems to isolate me. Leaves 
me feeling as if I must rationalize, explain, convince and prove 
we are faithful to each other. Faithful not just in sex but in the 
mindset. Love isn't something one can just toss over. The heart 
loves as it will and no intellectual process is going to undermine 
that love. Scrutinize, look, investigate, check, followup...none 
of these are options I have. For if love would have proof it no longer 
remains love. And so I remain alone. I isolate myself as well as feel
isolated from those I love. Not anxious to explain something that perhaps 
may not be understandable, I Isolate myself from those that might judge. 
And even with my own doubts which I sweep aside like yesterday's news - I 
know all the reasons for our separation and so therefore, I must accept how 
we are now and how our situation may remain.  
     I know life is unfair. I know we are both lucky at this point to be alive. 
And when I dreamed of being in love it wasn't a dream of isolation,
it wasn't a dream of being scrutinized. Love is its own master. Love isn't 
in existence to fulfill dreams. Love is more than what we want. So here I
stay...and you are over there. I remain faithful. I sit, and I wait and I hope.

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