"Livin' Like a Lusty Flower" ~ SCROLL DOWN!!! Share Some Life With Me!

"Livin' Like a Lusty Flower" ~ SCROLL DOWN!!! Share Some Life With Me!
"Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right"





Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I'm as hypocritical as the worst but why is it that many of those that commit murder or crime always say after they've slaughtered, pillaged, raped and plundered..."well, I'm a Christian so I have forgiveness even if I don't deserve it..." why is it that before they committed their crime(s) they didn't say to themselves, "well, I'm a Christian and I have Forgiveness even if I don't deserve it, so why not NOT do this atrocious thing...so I can deserve the Forgiveness I take for granted." sigh...always getting Religiosity after the deed...always in hindsight...always after its too late...because being Forgiven is one thing...trying to give it to Yourself another...oh my slate isn't clean...I've had much regret but I am grateful that as I get older being a Gunslinger just doesn't seem as much fun! A little pillage here, some plunder over there...no Forgiveness is ever taken for Granted anymore...every bit of Forgiveness a piece of glorious sun!
This photo by Celia Benavidez
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