My Brother Dan gave this to ask just what is it besides a picture of Jerry with two cheesy skull stickers, some glass pebbles, two plastic babies and a rose in a bottle cap?!! Well, let's just say my brother was NOT a fan of the Phat Man...but he knew I loved Garcia/Grateful Dead...and he used to joke that it was my religion. And with every religion he'd say "you have to have an altar" so he made this little sculpture for me...not really so much a sculpture, eh? Rather a kitsch of sweetness. And I'm sure if he heard me call it a sculpture he'd promptly "correct" me and say "It's an ALTAR not a sculpture cb!" Anyway, Jerry/Altar/It glows in the dark and as Dan(or Lord Snott as he legally changed his name to) said..."every altar's purpose is to bring light" (mind you he said this with a snicker and an eye roll towards the sky all the while mocking me and those "dirty hippies", a group of which I was included (me of course being "different" he'd say because I like perfume and makeup). Dan was about as religious as a stone and as a professed atheist he wasn't big on altars. Nevertheless, as he said, Jerry seemed 'harmless if dirty enough'. 'And I suppose if you're gonna pray at any altar music is the "right" altar to pray at!' Ah Dan...beautiful, arrogant, intelligent, quirky, delightful brother...Ain't no doubt he has soul and spirit. Atheist or no, my brother is full of Light and Love. Perhaps it comes out a bit like sandpaper..."just enough to smooth off any rough edges" he might say...hey, he built me my own altar!! And a guy with a good sense of humor is a treasure! Especially if he's your brother!! And this gift made up of bits and pieces that add to no monetary value is perhaps one of my favorite gifts and possessions! A gift I treasure!

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