The Eleven
I want repeating pattern...
then I realize I have to cook!Something about the "sound" and "pattern"of cooking that is as soothing as good music!It isn't just the yummy eating...its the cooking that makes you feel good! Rhythm Devils cd into Muslim-Andalusian ragas I scour the cabinet and refridgerator my mind filled with a desire for sweet spice...then a craving for Robert Plant hits, the first notes drift into my head..."I walk this shore in isolation
And at my feet eternity
Draws ever sweeter plans for me"
with lyrics like that I find it impossible not to want to create something.Off to the grocerthe bike ride a pedal of beats of Nusrat Fateh Ali Kahn. I stop by the post office pick up packages from Mike ShervanianJason AllenM from New Jersey Steve Campbell and a box with no name but a return addie of Nashville, TN.stuff the paniers on my bike, re-arranging the veggies, tie the box to my basket frame and its off on the bike in flight a flurry of Qitar beats and chanting rhthyms that cause me to materialize like a magic carpet bike ride, right in front of my door.I have tons of veggies to chop now.I have a food processor,but I love to chop and slice each piece of vegetable and with garlic you can never slice it too thin, no food processor can do that. Thinner than paper so it melts translucently in the pan; have to cook it slow so as not to burn it.I get the cutting board out first its garlic, onion, zuchinni. I chop in the order I'll add the ingredients to the pot, It's relaxing.I do so as I watch the Dylan Biopic"I'm Not There"my mind dives into the soundscape.I think this movie is really cool.Beautiful in an odd and strange way Dylan's music engulfs you How many times over the years have I cooked food listening to Bob Dylan...???!!!!!I mean, it isn't just myself, nor all of my college friends, nor twenty years cooking with my hippie/mountain friends, heck I know my mother cooked listening to him!I watched her, the huge stereo console in the living room, the album like a huge platter serving up crackling sound. Blood On The Tracks, while she cut up a chicken! And I sat on the stool and I peered over the kitchen bar, watching her cut and slice and sprinkle and stir.I oil my quart pot with a wonderful Extra Virgin Olive oil of peridot green...first the garlic dances in the pan...wants to stick so I lower the flame then a quick dash of onion as the garlic disappears, just enough flame to carmelize, the zuch and finallya heavenly explosion of Cinnamon, Chili, Cumin, Oregano perfume the air the movie rolls on...I continue to add ingredients, crushed tomato,corn until a variety of succotash or what my grandmother would have called calavacitas is now bubbly on the stove.Next is a hummus. Need to grind the garbanzo beans. After that I'll make a pilaf and a homemade soup...the best part I'm doing bnp's too!Crank up the "Brothers" "Ain't Wastin' Time No More"into "All Along the WatchTower"and dive into crushing the garbanzo and juicing the lemon,chopping parsley, the wonderful peeling/slicing of scallions...cooking makes me feel grand, like music its all about sharing.Like Music it is Nourishment; Soul Food!Some gargonzola stuffed into an olive sliced in halfspread onto a broiled slice of red bell pepper on crust of baguette and I stuff another Hors d'Ĺ“uvre into my mouth...all this cooking and listening to good tunesleaves me with a hankering to share and offer up some more bnp's pretty dang soon.In the meantime, I need a drink of limeade.convert a set of tunes from flac to wav and keep on keepin' on...so far Memorial Day weekend is starting fine!being a bachelorette though...I'll have to find folksto feed, and it'll be 300 situps for me today!whew! I eye the gargonzola again! The baguette beckons.Grateful Dead and Jerry's version "Nobody's Fault But Mine" at the Starlite Amphitheater...starton the old iPodwell heck might as well play Zep's version after thisthat's what cooking and music always do, eh?Mix it up!perfectshelter means good eats!here at the home of patchworkquilts and "blue skies"I'm cooking fine! "I will give what love I have to givelong as I live..."Robert Hunter/Jerry Garcia