"Livin' Like a Lusty Flower" ~ SCROLL DOWN!!! Share Some Life With Me!

"Livin' Like a Lusty Flower" ~ SCROLL DOWN!!! Share Some Life With Me!
"Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right"





Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dragonflies at Sunset ~ Capitol Hill. Denver, CO

Deep in the sun-searched growths the dragonfly
Hangs like a blue thread loosened from the sky.
~Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Silent Noon
Photo Copyright (c) 2012 by 
Celia Ann Benavidez
registered under the 
Creative Commons Attribution...
save it, copy it, modify it 
but you have to credit me for the
original photo and you can not 
make money off it without asking me ;-)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wickson Plumbs - William Corbett

The evening cold comes up
around our toes. You no longer
hear the cricket then suddenly
they catch your attention again
like the flies bred through
all these wet days brushed away
from the plums. Green ones.
Fill my mouth with sweetness.

from "Wickson Plums"
William Corbett

Photo Copyright (c) 2012 by 
Celia Ann Benavidez
registered under the 
creative commons attribution...
save it, copy it, modify it 
but you have to credit me for the
original photo and you can not 
make money off it without asking me ;-)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Give Them Not Hell, But Hope and Courage!

“You may possess only a small light, but uncover it, let it shine, use it in order to bring more light and understanding to the hearts and minds of men and women." John Murray

Monday, June 04, 2012

The Cherry Tree

The  Cherry Tree
      Once I found a cherry stone,
I put it in the ground,
And when I came to look at it,
A tiny shoot I found.
The shoot grew up and up each day,
And soon became a tree.
I picked the rosy cherries then,
And ate them for my tea.
(poem taken from StarWorld Rocks)

This photo by Celia Benavidez
is licensed under the Creative Commons 
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0
Unported License.Copyright (c) 2012 by 
Celia Ann Benavidez. 
This work is made available under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Permissions beyond the scope of this 
license may be available at


The Linden Trees Are Blooming!

A mediaeval love poem by Walther von der Vogelweide (c. 1170–c. 1230)
Under der linden
an der heide,
dâ unser zweier bette was,
dâ mugt ir vinden
schône beide
gebrochen bluomen unde gras.
vor dem wald in einem tal,
schône sanc diu nahtegal.
Under the linden tree
on the open field,
where we two had our bed,
you still can see
lovely both
broken flowers and grass.
On the edge of the woods in a vale,
sweetly sang the nightingale.
(as excerpted from Wikipedia on Linden Trees)

This photo by Celia Benavidez
is licensed under the Creative Commons 
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0
Unported License.Copyright (c) 2012 by 
Celia Ann Benavidez. 
This work is made available under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Permissions beyond the scope of this 
license may be available at