Love you peeps! I've been locked out of Facebook twice now. Despite the fact that almost everyone knows me as Patchwork Quilt. I've been "Patch" for a very long time and I know some of you don't know me as any other person. Facebook claims they are looking for my "authentic" name. They don't qualify that they don't require it at signup, nor do they state what they are really looking for is your legal name. I have various reasons for not posting as my real name. I've used my real name on Facebook in discussions with my friends about the pride I have for it. If I've friended you, have seen me talk about my real name. But if I haven't friended you chances are I don't actually want you to know my legal name. There are reasons I have chosen to use Patch and I owe no one an explanation as to why I'd like to keep a bit of confidentiality. Perhaps, I'll rejoin FB. I am not going to hide from stalkers. That's victim mentality. But having all of you know me as Patch was a bit of a safety buffer for me. Same thing with my nickname cebelina, and now Samsara Rose. But I'll be honest, I haven't missed FB much. My mission has been singular. I have and always will share and push forward two concepts I believe in above most all others:
Soulshine and Lovelight!!
That's why I participate on the internet. If Facebook doesn't feel that is "authentic" enough well...then it isn't really actually possible for me to prove that. And I don't really want to. I feel it's beyond invasive and counterproductive. I'm not the only person I know locked out. Each one of us locked out peeps aren't clicking on ads anymore, either, eh? There are a couple of things that I consider wicked. I can't delete my own page. So that means I get tons of notifications from a regular base of friends who don't know me as anything other than Patch. What's that all about?! Yep, I've been kicked out but they're still gonna make money off me by pushing that data, eh? And all those pics I posted...albums, vacations...well, folks watermark your pics...Facebook owns that image just as you posted it and your work is prolly owned by them but perhaps you've also maintained a bit of ownership yourself. Weird, eh? A person should be able to delete their account even if Facebook says and does happen to own that page. I've been shoved out the front end and yet the backdoor is still open. I personally don't find that very "Authentic" at all. Also, all of my accounts were linked to FB at their encouragement. Seriously after 5 years...I figured FB was on the up and up. Ruthless, but adhering to a sane business model. All for free? That seemed cool. There is a song called "What Is Hip?" and Facebook isn't feeling so hip to me anymore. And yea...that's sour grapes. They encouraged my relationship with them just as it was. Now they want more information from me than I think is sane or reasonable. Unlinking has been quite a tangle. Beats, Instagram, blah, blah...
Be aware Google is pretty invasive as well. As much as I loved both of these platforms I have been as of late left with a bitter taste of corporate sourness. I understand the need to make money. But I don't understand the need to play "dirty." t's feeling It feels all "Patriot Act" down my neck now. And none of us feel that the corporate world or or country's defense is actually straightforward. They feel like two different branches of the same thing owned by the richest people in the world and not even in our country anymore. None of this is new. In fact, the internet giants morphing into everything folks feared the internet would be. Remember when we all held so much possibility? When we actually loved these platforms because they lacked the overworked corporate pushiness? They seemed free. Full of possibility. Now the fences close in. I'm locked out as Patchwork Quilt and Samsara Rose. And well when folks lock me out...I don't linger too much. Best peeps!